Playing Masterchef

Here at home, we enjoy watching MasterChef either the American, Australian or now the Portuguese.It's our guilty pleasure.. It's a time when both of us sit in front of the TV commenting it and taking notes and some ideas. Francisca really enjoys cooking, (or trying!) she comments the plating as a true critic (kinda!) and although still does very little as I still have some fears to leave her alone commanding  a whole meal (mother goose alert!).

Her solution, while I cook meals, she'll be commenting like the jury of Chefs on Masterchef while enquiring me 'Sonia,what are you doing?' or 'do you think, you have what it takes to compete with the other mothers?' and the best while screaming out loud for the whole neighborhood to hear '5 MINUTES TO GO!!'  then I just follow her instructions while answering 'I think I'm the best because I have determination and passion!' or 'my daughter loves what I do!' among other clichés, but then she starts '3, 2, 1 ... HANDS UP IN THE AIR!!' ... Enjoy your lunch MomChefs!!

|Brincar ao MasterChef |

Cá em casa gostamos muito do MasterChef seja o Americano, Australiano ou agora o Português. é um momento em que ambas nos sentamos à frente da TV a comentar e a tirar ideias. E o nosso guilty pleasure A Francisca gosta imenso de cozinhar (ou tentar!), comenta o emprantamento como uma verdadeira crítica (mais ou menos!) e embora ainda faça pouco pois eu tenho ainda algum receio de a deixar comandar sozinha uma refeição (alerta mãe galinha!).

A solução d'ela: enquanto eu confecciono as refeições ela vai comentando como se fosse o júri de Chefs e vai-me perguntando 'então Sónia o que está a fazer?' ou 'acha que tem o suficiente para competir com as outras mães?' e o melhor enquanto grita a plenos pulmões para o bairro todo ouvir 'FALTAM 5 MINUTOS!!' e eu lá vou seguindo as suas instruções e respondendo 'eu acho que sou a melhor porque tenho garra e paixão!' ou 'a minha filha ama!' entre outras respostas clichés, mas aí ela interrompe 'FALTAM 3, 2, 1...MÃOS NO AR!!'...Bom almoço MãesChefs de Portugal!!


Sónia is the founder and writer of Amniotico- Parenting, Travel and Tales. She began this blog in 2005 with two posts about parenting, the year she had daughter Francisca. Then life happened. Now since 2014 with a whole new focus on Parenting and Travel. Sonia is also an international Human Rights and Elections expert and as such has worked with the United Nations and European Union in many parts of the globe, including conflict and war torn countries while being a single mom!