Bohemian crafts by Mafalda Vivas

Have I told you, that I love crafts? I just love it! And with a bohemian twist, even better. This is the case of Mafalda Vivas' work, an artisan who creates unique pieces made through the recycling process. Her pieces reflect a bohemian lifestyle, a love for the arts and for the environment. Her creativity has no limits, and she has even recovered pieces of furniture that used to belong to my dearest late mom and I am in love with it! 

You may find her quite often at the Fair of Souls in Lisbon, Mary Poppy's shop in Caldas da Rainha or through her own Facebook page.

Pure Love Boho, is it not? Have a look at the pics and have your say.

*All photos by Mafaldas Vivas

The Making of, of the recycling of my mom's furniture!

|Boho Love por Mafalda Vivas|

Já vos disse que adoro artesanato? Adoro! Se for boémio, então aí temos o casamento perfeito.  É o caso do trabalho da Mafalda Vivas, uma artesã que cria peças únicas feitas através do processo de reciclagem. As suas peças reflectem um estilo de vida boémio, um amor às artes e ao meio ambiente. A sua creatividade não tem limites, tendo inclusivé recuperado cá para casa uns móveis que eram da minha mãe e que amo de paixão!

Podem encontrá~la muitas vezes na Feira das Almas em Lisboa, na Loja Mary Poppy nas Caldas da Rainha ou através da sua página de Facebook.

Puro Boho Love, não acham? Vejam as fotos e digam de vossa justiça.

*Todas as fotos são da autoria da Mafalda Vivas


Sónia is the founder and writer of Amniotico- Parenting, Travel and Tales. She began this blog in 2005 with two posts about parenting, the year she had daughter Francisca. Then life happened. Now since 2014 with a whole new focus on Parenting and Travel. Sonia is also an international Human Rights and Elections expert and as such has worked with the United Nations and European Union in many parts of the globe, including conflict and war torn countries while being a single mom!